
Books are no longer available

at this time.


Please use the form below to contact us.


*If you are contacting us for information or identification of a Buddy Lee, Betty Lee or Lion Doll, please include a complete description and pictures (you can attach pictures to my reply email.) We can not value or identify dolls without pictures.


Thank you and happy Buddy Lee doll collecting!


*To order miniatures, please include the number on the picture of the item(s) you wish to purchase and a brief description. Please make sure the email you give us is linked to your PayPal account with a US address of where you want your items shipped. We do not ship internationally.


June 2023


*If you don't see a return email from us, please check your suspect/spam folders. We answer all emails. A valid phone number, address, and email is now required for a reply.


NO unrelated soliciting emails are accepted to this website! They will be directed to the proper authorities.


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